Friday, August 27, 2004

Conjugate and beginner athletes

QnAfrom Jim Wendler


In regards to high school athletes, what criteria should an athlete meet before using bands and chains?

Before we even get into chains and bands with high school athletes, I believe they should be at least to do the following before they even lift weights;

50 push-ups with proper form (no A-Frame or saggy ass)

10 strict pull-ups

100 sit-ups

25 parallel dips

Be able to hold various bridging positions for at least 30 seconds.

Have some kind of running base with emphasis on conditioning and HOW to run properly. I'm sorry but if you are 12 or 13 years old and can't run a 7:00 minute mile than something is wrong.

For females, the numbers would obviously be different, but the same principles would apply.

In my opinion, kids should participate in as many sport as possible. The age of specialization has killed our athletes. Even in the Soviet Union, the athletes, no matter what sport became their specialty, participated in tons of different sports. And still did as part of their GPP when they became more specialized.

Now let's take my wife's training. She recently gave birth (6 weeks ago) and her training consists of the following;

Emphasis on relative strength (bodyweight):

Bodyweight squats
Push ups
Back raises

Form work (3 days/week) on squat, bench and deadlift. These are done for multiple sets (up to 7-10 sets) of 10 reps and small increases are made only if the form is perfect. Keep in mind that she has little (very little) experience lifting weights.

Once she reaches the following lifts will her program become more involved;

Bench Press - 95x10
Full Squat - 95x10
Deadlift - 135x10

All of these have to done with proper form and should not be an all out effort on her part. For the record, she does not powerlift nor has any aspirations to do so.

All coaches must keep in mind the following steps and should not progress until the criteria of each be met;

1. Physical Fitness
2. Technique and Form
3. Repetition Method
4. Max Effort Method
5. Dynamic Effort Method
6. Weak Point Training

So in answering your question; until the athletes are able to at least do bodyweight exercises that were listed prior and perform my wife's goals, then I would stay away from more complex means.

Off-topic: Why is it that my wife, who really has zero knowledge of weight training whatsoever, said to me during her pregnancy (about her training); "The first thing that I have to do is develop technique and muscle mass before I do anything advanced." Like a breath of fresh air...


I'm in charge of our strength program at my HS. I've divided the athletes into two groups. Those who have the general body strength and adequate squat form to begin squatting and those who are not ready to begin squatting yet.

What would be your recommended exercise/workout for those lacking. What type of weekly routine would you put these guys through and for how long before they begin squatting or try to squat? How do I get these guys ready?

I will have Rev Hypers in two weeks, I have squat racks and that's about it. Thanks in advance

Workouts would consist of the following, 3-4 days week.

Hanging leg raises
Back raises
Bodyweight Squats
One leg squats (or pistol squats)
Standing Long jumps

You can handle a lot of volume with bodyweight exercises, so let 'er rip. (I can hear all of the volume experts cringing.."calculate volume...oh no... I'm going to die if I don't know the correct tonnage, etc." Just shut up and lift. You squat 185, you big pussy.)

Also, Martin Rooney's DVD - The Parisi Warm-up Method would be done (at least parts of it) everyday for every athlete.

All sets and reps are to be done with a controlled tempo (except the jumps).

How long? I would have a test once/month to see if they can squat correctly, if not...back to the drills. No compromises and if the parents complain, tell them to train them. Remember; fitness, form, no compromise."


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