Friday, October 15, 2004

Super Seven

1. Modality-the type of work- neuro-rate (speed), neuro-magnitude(absolute level), and neuro-duration(length of force application) referring to the nervous system and frictional vs elastic referring to the muscular system.

2. Bracket- (Anaerobic 1, Anaerobic 2, Aerobic 1, Aerobic 2)- refers to the length of the work.

3. Toleration (Fatigue vs Frequency) Refers to whether the training is structured on a frequency basis or fatigue basis. Frequency training would entail training more frequently with less fatigue induced, (every 4 days with 6% drop-offs) whereas fatigue would entail training less frequently with more fatigue.(every 7 days with 10% drop-off) Toleration is usually illustrated something like the following "6:2 toleration with 6% fatigue on a 4 day scale." This would mean performing 6 consecutive workouts with 6% fatigue inducement every 4 days, followed by 2 workouts with 10-12 % fatigue every 6-8 days.

4. Capacity (Pinnacle/Prime) Is the drop off set up to increase absolute performance (1rm, speed, height jumped etc.) or to increase the working capacity of a lower then absolute performance? If it is set up to increase absolute or pinnacle, then you would find your absolute maximum effort for that day, and then continue performing sets or reps until your performance from that absolute dropped off by 6%. This leads to a quicker drop off then the prime method.

In the prime method, work capacity is increased. That is, you would find your absolute for the day, subtract 6% (on a 4 day frequency scale) off of that and continues doing sets or reps until you could no longer manage.

5. Arrangement (Mixed/Parallel/Sequential) Refers to how the training sessions are arranged in a cycle.

6. Method- refers to the type of exercise employed (tradition training PIM, Reflexive firing isometrics, Oscillatory-Isometrics etc.)

7. Movement (Angle-Direction)


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