Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Goldbergs Bill Star program

his is a great program for beginners. Its not scientific. But it works.

Squats-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.)
Deadlifts-5x5(Do the same)
Bench Press-5x5(Do the same)
Incline DB Press-2x12-20

Light Squats or Lunges-4x8 each leg
Good Mornings-3x8-12
Shoulder Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight.

Squats-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set.
Bent Over Row-5x5
Incline Bench-5x5
Tricep Extensions-2x12-20

Do this and quite worrying about all of the elaborate programs. Bench, Squat and pull. it will lay the best possible foundation. The best thing that ever happen to my training was reading this program by Bill Starr in Muscle Media 2000 around 1995.


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